Monday, December 1, 2014

‘Fun filled excursion on children’s day’

It is rightly said ‘We were all children once and we all share the desire for the well being of our children, which has always been and will continue to be the most universally cherished aspiration of humankind.’ In this regard , the committed efforts of Ahlcon International school is an open secret to all. So, a day marked to celebrate the joyfulness of childhood, Children’s Day was celebrated in the form of excursion to Najafgarh – Eco adventure camp. Around 475 students  and 34 teachers from the Middle Section went to the camp  which was  filled with splashing fun and enjoyment.
During the stay, the students enthusiastically took part in all sort of activities, such as wall climbing ,commando net, balance beam, commando crawl ,river crossing and rides on camel cart as well as bull cart . The day was spent in the lap of Nature as children got a chance to observe and appreciate the beauty of nature.

The In Charge Middle Section Ms. Dimple Puri, accompanied the group and blessed Cheers 'n' Jolly time to everyone. The day was dedicated to children and teachers ,as their fervor got wings which marked the day as memorable for all. The Principal Mr. Ashok Kumar Pandey and Vice- Principal Mrs. Sangita Maliwal were overwhelmed by the response that students have learnt values like team spirit and cooperation which is the soul motive behind these trips .
Ahlcon International School
Diwali Celebrations

With Diwali round the corner, Ahlcon International School organized a raft of activities to celebrate the festival with full devotion, enthusiasm and excitement. Students of the Middle Section (VI-VIII) not only tastefully decorated the school campus on 21st October 2014 but also added charm and religious fervor to the entire atmosphere. Various activities were organised not only with in the classes but also in the different clubs to celebrate Diwali in its real spirit. The event was inaugurated by an auspicious Diya Lighting ceremony by Principal Mr. Ashok Kumar Pandey, Vice Principal Ms. Sangita Maliwal and Incharge Middle Section Ms. Dimple Puri.


Ahlcon International School has a strong belief in giving ample opportunities to students for their holistic and overall development in every sphere of life. This not only provides the children a chance to portray their mettle and flair but also to think and learn in a creative manner. Talent is God Gifted, but polishing it requires hard work and determination. Paridhi Puri, student of Class VIII D proved worthy of her talent. Here are her achievements:

7 November’14
Student Views Column “WE THINK LIKE THIS”
Views on Sachin Tendulkar’s newly launched book “Playing it my way”
11 November’14
3rd Position
HT Essay Writing Competition
14 November’14
Children’s Day
Children: Leaders in the making

Report on Workshop
Ahlcon International School firmly believes that holistic development of students as well as teachers can be attained if the passion for learning will be nurtured in each heart. So, to reinforce the desire for learning workshops play a vital role. On 17th Oct. 2014 two teachers of AIS got a golden opportunity when they were sent to attend a workshop organized by Collins at Sadhu Vasvaani International School. Dr. Elaine Higgleton enlightened the teachers about phonics, spellings and dictionary usage .
The workshop was woven very thoughtfully as each topic was discussed with the help of activities designed keeping the need of the young learners and the problems faced by the teachers. She emphasized on how sound of each letter should be taught so that the spelling errors will be minimized. The concept of mnemonics was also discussed very nicely. Not only this she also made us do role play for teaching of  prose to the students. The right way of dictionary usage was also explained . Over all it was a very interactive session where learning took place while doing activities.

On the occasion of National Postal Week (9th Oct.-15th Oct.), India. The Times of India organized a week long Children Workshop at the National Philatelic Museum. The purpose of this workshop was to make the children aware on Philately which is a mode of commemorating, celebrating and promoting national heritage and events. The activity was scheduled for 14th October’14 at the ‘National Philatelic Museum’- Dak Bhawan, New Delhi between 9 am- 12 pm. 50 students of class VII and VIII participated in the workshop along with two teachers Ms. Ritika Kumar and Ms. Sonia Anand. It was a visit where the students were educated about the history of stamps of India as well as the other stamps of other countries.
The attractions of the workshop were various activities such as:
  • ·        An Audio visual was shown to the students on Philately and a quiz was conducted to educate and impart historical knowledge of stamps.
  • ·        A drawing competition was organized wherein the children were given a theme-‘Draw your own Stamp’ to show their creative skills and understanding about the stamps. The students participated with enthusiasm and bagged 1st, 2nd and 3rd position.
  • ·        All the students were give certificate of participation. Prizes were given to the winners of drawing and quiz competition.
  • ·        Students created their own stamps and also bought different Stamps.

The students learnt that stamp collection is the most organized hobby which brings discipline and patience in once life. Visit to the philatelic museum was a turning point for the students as they understood if postage is the tradition then the stamp is the culture. It was an overwhelming experience as it was a rich opportunity to know and learn about postage and stamp collection. Over all it was a great experiential learning.
“Be like a postage stamp, stick to one thing until you get there”.

As we all know Ahlcon International school always strives for betterment of society and holistic development of Ahlconites in each sphere so, to enhance the creativity and to spread awareness about cleanliness Middle Section of AIS on 10th Oct. 2014 organized a competition on ‘ Best out of waste’, this was a step to contribute for the campaign  Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaye’ announced by CBSE
All the students of class VI enthusiastically participated in it. They showcased their brilliant creativity by making various things from waste materials. They made photo frames, flower vases, huts, show pieces, pen stands, floating diyas etc. Their thoughtful presentation was in real sense applaud able. The waste material like shoe box, old cds, waste paper, waste bottles etc were converted into beautiful things so that the surroundings will be beautified .Teachers were amazed to see the creativity of these budding Ahlconites.  

This serves as a real life example for the students that ‘Cleanliness is next to godliness. By cleanliness they have understood clearly that it means  the habit of keeping physically and mentally clean. A smartly dressed person with clean habits creates an impression on others. It usually reflects a clean character also. In other words, a person’s character can be assessed how he or she maintains cleanliness whether it’s for the thinking pattern or for surroundings. Here students learnt the true essence of our worthy Prime Minister’s words ‘ An opportunity to work is good luck for me . I put my soul into  it . Each such opportunities opens the gates for next ones’ so to imbibe this thought students have taken this pledge to maintain cleanliness all around themselves. 
Awareness program on Food and Nutrition by
US Department of Agriculture (American Embassy)

On Tuesday, 2nd September 2014, an Awareness Programme on Health and Nutrition was organised in Ahlcon International School in collaboration with US Department of Agriculture (American Embassy). It was a campaign to increase awareness of the benefits of a nutritious diet among students. This activity featured nutrition-themed activities, presentation by an expert nutritionist Ms. Geetu Amarnani. A key element of this activity was to convey that products such as fresh fruit, nuts, and dried fruit are an important part of a balanced diet. The chief guest of the day was Mr. Michael Pelletier Deputy Chief of Mission and Acting Charge of U.S Embassy. The other dignitaries included Mr. Allan P. Mustard, Minister-Counsellor for Agricultural Affairs, Mr. Jonn P. Slette Agricultural Attaché and Dr. Rohini Ahluwalia, Chairperson. The school Principal Mr. Ashok Kumar Pandey welcomed the dignitaries and emphasised the school’s efforts to create awareness about healthful eating habits. In all 500 students took part in the activities and some of the best performers were appreciated. DCM Michael Pelletier expressed his happiness over the enthusiasm and awareness shown by the students about nutrition and health.

As we all know music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand so to prove this well known quote on 11th Aug. budding instrumentalists of  Middle Section of Ahlcon International  School gathered to present their musical renditions  in Inter-house Tabla and Synthesizer  competition.
The shining stars of all the four houses i.e. Neer, Prithv, Agni and Vayu took part in it and mesmerized the audience with their musical renditions. The programme was divided into two parts, the first part was full of beats of Tabla as the group of students presented their rhythmic  and well -coordinated performance. And on the other hand the promising young ahlconities  filled every heart with the patriotic feelings with their songs played on Synthesizer.

The Principal Mr. Ashok Pandey showed his huge satisfaction and feeling of delight while announcing the results. The vice-Principal Ms Sangita Maliwal , In Charge Middle School Ms Dimple Puri and all the teachers were happy to see the success of the event. 
Inter House English Competition
Middle Section
28th July ‘2014

‘Global Prospective Indian Values’  is the truism  of Ahlcon. To prepare students to develop 21st century skills and to enhance  their oratory skills various literary competitions are planned.  It is a major platform for students to gain confidence. Keeping this in mind on 28th July 2014, an interhouse English competition was organized in the school auditorium.  It started with a tuneful  prayer ‘bind us together lord’.
Competition  was divided into three categories. For class VI poem recitation on the theme humour , for class VII ‘ Spin a Yarn’ on the theme moral values and for class VIII declamation was there. For declamation boys were given the topic ‘Service to Man is Service to God’ and  girls spoke on the topic ‘Money-an Addiction’. All the students recited poems very effectively and they were able to create humour all around.  Weaving a story on the spot requires ability to articulate one’s knowledge and understanding. Class VII students wove amazing stories using plenty of  proverbs, idioms and quotations. They were able to give moral value at the end of each story. Students delivered their declamation so powerfully as everyone sitting was astonished to listen to their speech.
Icing on the cake was the melodious  and soothing song ‘ We are the world’  sung by the group of girls. Each one requires some motivation to perform well and Principal Mr Ashok K Pandey is that motivational force to all the Ahlconites. He encouraged and praised all the participants. He was extremely overwhelmed  to see such a high level of competition. Section Incharge Ms Dimple Puri also applauded  for the participants and the English faculty of Middle Section. She also said ‘Great speakers are not born they are trained’. The program was a great success and it has created a quest in others to participate for next time.

Ahlconites Felicitated

With sheer perseverance the Ahlconites have again proved that sow the seeds of hard work and reap the rewards of achievement, success and self-fulfillment. On 21st July in Ahlcon International School the Appreciation Day was celebrated to felicitate the young achievers for their brilliant results and splendid achievements

The students were awarded certificates and trophies for their hard work and sincerity  in scholastics  and co-scholastics .The list of honors also included awards like ’ Good Samaritan Award’, ‘Principal’s Award for Steady Achiever ‘, All Rounder Award’ and many more. Apart from this , students excelling in  co- scholastic areas like tabla, synthesizer, art, clay moulding , vocal music , dance  received the shower of blessing  from the dignitaries. AIS emphasizes on punctuality , regularity and discipline hence the students who maintain punctuality and regularity throughout the session , accolades were given to them  as they are the real torch bearers  to kindle the same spirit in others . The nine budding authors of class 8th of AIS also showcased their self composed book ’ Marvelous Minds’ , which served to kindle the flame of love for writing .

Principal Mr. Ashok Kumar Pandey in his address to the gathering expressed immense satisfaction and pride over these blooming faces of achievers. The Vice- Principal Ms. Sangita Maliwal , In charge Middle School Ms. Dimple Puri and all the teachers appreciated the winners and felt contented to see the young Ahlconites shining in all spheres of their life by making their mark this way.

Bibox Innovation Lab: A Unique Learning Program

We, at Ahlcon International School, are always keen to look at enhancing the student’s capability to be creative in their thought process and make them ready for the 21st century learning.
 As a part of the ongoing endeavour to encourage experiential learning and to develop scientific temperament among the students, we joined hands with Evobi Automation an organization recognized by Government of India (Department of Science and Technology) and decided to introduce a very unique learning program i.e. Bibox Innovation Lab for the students of class VI to VIII.
On 31st of July 14 the zero session was conducted which was attended by the students of entire middle section. The resource person Mr.V.N Chandran along with his team first exposed the students to the concept of Bibox (brain in the box) a hardware and explained it’s working which triggered students logical thinking and enabled  them to spot the new situations or problems in daily life and come up with solutions to those by using the Bibox. They also showed the various models made by the students of other schools like Milk Boiler, Dish Washer, Blind Stick etc. The session was very interactive and our students actively participated and gave intelligent answers to their questions.  

This is a holistic program that goes beyond the text book curriculum, enables the students to build their original ideas into a real machine and provides long term value addition to their knowledge and the students would be able to innovate and showcase their hidden talents in the form of unique models.
Report On Multiple Natures Workshop
“Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world.”


Students of Class VIII, IX, X and XI were given an exposure of Multiple Natures, a novel concept in education that attempts to account for people’s natures and personality traits that lead to particular behavioural patterns, especially with respect to their work and learning. The presentation commenced with the pioneering of the theme by Ms. Chetna Sabharwal, the School Counsellor who enlarged our views of our aims in life.  Oscar Wilde has quoted “The aim of life is self-development. To realize one’s nature perfectly- that is what each of us is here for”. It is very important that an aim is formulated and efforts are put in to achieve that aim. It was succeded by the disquisition of a resource person, Mr. Amit Mukherjee who represented the Multiple Natures and gave us an insight about the importance of career in our life. In present competitive era it is very important to pay more attention towards one’s career. He told the pupils that “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: what counts is, the courage to continue.” It was a very knowledgeable and enlightening experience for all the students. We express our heartfelt gratitude to our Respected Principal Sir, Vice Principal Ma’am, Section In charge and Ms. Chetna Sabharwal for all the pains they took to make the program meaningful and informative for the students.


It is rightly said, ‘Don’t look back to see how many people are following you. Lead yourself. Lead your senses’. So, to inculcate this leadership quality in Ahlconities 30th April, 2014, was marked as an important date in the calendar of Ahlcon International School. The investiture ceremony of the Senior School was organized which was a spectacular event for the spectators to experience. The New Student Council of the session 2014 -2015 and the House Prefects were appointed .The Principal Mr. Ashok Kumar Pandey, the Vice Principal ( Senior School) Ms. Sangita Malliwal, the Vice Principal Admin Ms. Promila Mehta, the Headmistress Ms. Anju Gupta, In charge Senior Section Mr. Puneet Duggal and In charge Middle Section Ms. Dimple Puri graced the occasion with their dignified presence.
The members of the Student Council and four houses shining in distinct colors  were headed by the House Captain and the House Prefects along with the respective house In charges.

After administering the oath, the Principal addressed the newly formed student council with an inspiring speech. The President and Vice President of Student Council vowed to carry out their duties with sincerity and honesty. The choir group of the school presented a melodious rendition of a song for the school.  The programme ended with the perfect decorum of its kind.

                                    ‘ Celebrations of Earth Day at AIS’
At Ahlcon International School the learning encompasses realm of creativity which helps in holistic development of the students. So, to sensitize them towards their duties for Mother Earth on 21st April with a myriad of educational and fun activities a special assembly was conducted where  Ahlconities  were abuzz to be a part of this celebration.

Cheerful students started the morning assembly with thought provoking words. They were shown slides on nature conservation in a powerpoint presentation. Banners and colourful charts were put up, reading "Go Green'' and "Plant a tree today''. Children learnt the importance of preserving planet earth and agreed to prioritize earth protection.

The key segment of the assembly was’ Nukkad Natak’ namely ‘Stop Pollution- Save Environment’ in which majority of the students of the class participated very enthusiastically and presented the role of man in creating pollution and its adverse effects on the environment  They also showed how it can be prevented and demonstrated support for environmental protection. To inculcate the same value students took a pledge also. The Principal Mr. Ashok Kumar Pandey, Vice- Principal Ms. Sangeeta Maliwal and In charge Middle Section Ms. Dimple Puri were overwhelmed by observing these blooming Ahlconities.

Report on Visit to Aravali Biodiversity Park  

Ahlcon International School was invited by WWF and Ministry of Environment Education to visit Aravali Biodiversity Park for a Nature Camping Programme of 2 days &1 night on 18th and 19th March 2014, where 32 students of class VII and VIII along with 2 teachers participated.
The Aravali Biodiversity Park is situated near Vasant Vihar and is being developed at 693 acres of land that was over mined and completely infected with Prosopis Juliflora (Vilayati kikar) and has lost indigenous biodiversity. The major portion of the park is rocky and devoid of soil and vegetation cover. With its different habitat types and ecosystems having many rare and endangered flora and fauna, the park serves as a live museum and laboratory for promoting environmental education.
When the children and teachers arrived at the campsite, the research team welcomed them and allotted 7 tents to be shared among all. In the first nature trail the children were taken to a Herbal Garden and shown various species of medicinal plants and told about their uses. Then they visited the Butterfly Conservatory where they learnt about the lifecycle of a butterfly and observed its various stages. The children also visited Orchidarium and studied about the plantation of orchids. Few students were selected for a video recording on Earth Hour. In the afternoon the children enjoyed clay modeling. In the evening, the children went for bird watching and saw around 40 birds and identified their nature calls. A movie on the beauty of Aravali Biodiversity Park was shown once the children returned to the campsite. They also enjoyed dinner around a campfire.
Next day, early morning children went to their last nature trail to enjoy the fresh air and see a variety of flora and fauna. Many nature education activities like quiz, debate and thumb printing were enjoyed by the children.   

 It was a great source of motivation for the students to attend the camp and study about the degradation and revival of a degraded ecosystem. They were sensitized towards nature appreciation and conservation. The nature walk through the park has encouraged qualities of leadership, exploration and nature observation among the students. 
Vasantotsav at Ahlcon

 Celebrating Vasant – spring and invocation to Goddess Saraswati- symbolizing knowledge and empowerment has been the regular feature in the calendar of Ahlcon International School since 2002.
This year too it was celebrated with enthusiasm and vibrancyon Feb 4th . The two day musical extravaganza was inaugurated by His Excellency John Aquilina UOM, the High Commissioner of Malta, Shri B.P. Singh, former Governor of Sikkim and other dignitaries. The highlight of the programme was a performance by the school staff and a Bharatnatyam performance by Ms. Marie Elangovan a renowned exponent. She enthralled the audience with her graceful, tender and sculpture- like poses. Over 500 students from 20 schools participated in classical music and dance competitions performances. 
The Chief Guest, the High Commissioner of Malta exhorted the students to respect their parents and teachers for the sacrifices they make. He paid tribute to his own teachers for shaping him and his personality.

The former Governor, author and civil servant Shri B P Singh in his address impressed upon the students to practice discipline and order in their lives.