Monday, December 1, 2014

‘Fun filled excursion on children’s day’

It is rightly said ‘We were all children once and we all share the desire for the well being of our children, which has always been and will continue to be the most universally cherished aspiration of humankind.’ In this regard , the committed efforts of Ahlcon International school is an open secret to all. So, a day marked to celebrate the joyfulness of childhood, Children’s Day was celebrated in the form of excursion to Najafgarh – Eco adventure camp. Around 475 students  and 34 teachers from the Middle Section went to the camp  which was  filled with splashing fun and enjoyment.
During the stay, the students enthusiastically took part in all sort of activities, such as wall climbing ,commando net, balance beam, commando crawl ,river crossing and rides on camel cart as well as bull cart . The day was spent in the lap of Nature as children got a chance to observe and appreciate the beauty of nature.

The In Charge Middle Section Ms. Dimple Puri, accompanied the group and blessed Cheers 'n' Jolly time to everyone. The day was dedicated to children and teachers ,as their fervor got wings which marked the day as memorable for all. The Principal Mr. Ashok Kumar Pandey and Vice- Principal Mrs. Sangita Maliwal were overwhelmed by the response that students have learnt values like team spirit and cooperation which is the soul motive behind these trips .

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