Thursday, October 29, 2015


We at Ahlcon firmly inculcate in our budding Ahlconites that the strength, the patience, and the wisdom to reach out to your optimum potential resides with in us so, to keep the same flame kindled interactive sessions and workshops play an important role.

On 17th Oct.2015 a workshop on Soft Skills was conducted by Mr. Narinder Bhatia, a well-known counselor who is known for his contribution for shaping up the personality of students as well as teachers. Around 30 students attended the three hour session.  The esteemed resource person enlightened the students by enhancing their self-confidence for public speaking .The workshop proceeded with an interactive discussion on various effective methods and techniques of time management for students. The resource persons also discussed the problems faced by the students in day to day classroom situations. Inspirational videos on time management and learning about virtues through moral values were also shown. The workshop laid stress on numerous methods like how to set up smart goals during the learning process for better management of time and resources. The lives of great personalities were discussed and the important traits of their lives were highlighted by the speakers. Thus, the workshop was undoubtedly a need of the hour and proved to be a fruitful one.

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