Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Class: VII – D

Date: 21st April ’15, Tuesday

Topic: Earth Day

"Go Green'' and "Plant a tree today'' was the message that echoed on this Earth Day celebrations.It was organised with great spirit and fervour on 21st April’ 2015. It is a day dedicated to increasing our awareness about the Earth, its issues and problems. The event spoke volumes about our dependence on nature.To sensitize and instill values of conservation and preservation, the young ahlconites commenced the day’s programme by outlining the significance of this day.Later, an inspirational quote marked the day’s proceedings. The value of nurturing our planet was beautifully conveyed by a very symbolic poem ‘Earth Day’. Ways and means were shared to preserve nature and stop global warming which were real pearls of wisdom.A skit performed by the students of VII-D was the highlight of the day.It made the students reflect on our actions, to make our planet a more sustainable and livable place.Actions spoke louder than words.Our Principal Mr Ashok K. Pandey planted a sapling giving a befitting end to the assembly. The efforts in this direction were duly appreciated by Vice Principal Ms Sangita Maliwal and Incharge middle section Ms Dimple Puri.As a result of this remarkable event, the students were encouraged to give due thought to their environment.Mr Ashok K. Pandey applauded the commendable confidence and talent showcased by young ahlconites. Vice Principal Ms Sangita Maliwal encouraged students with her motivating words. The assembly helped students assimilate simply yet clearly that our natural resources are limited and we desperately need to use them judiciously. 

Report :
  • Ranjana Chugh
  • Madhuri Dadhich

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