Saturday, July 25, 2015

MayurVihar Phase – I, Delhi – 91
Assembly Report

Date & Day:6/7/2015 (monday)
Venue: auditorium
Theme: Armed forces- A salute to the Indian army.
Class:VIII A


             “Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts

The morning assembly by VIII A began by special invocation prayer “Where the mind is without fear” written by Shri Rabindranath Tagore.
Thought for the day was presented by Abhijot .S.Chopra
The news was updated by Shaye khanna –National News
Pravar Agarwal- International news
 Astha garg – Campus News
Aditya sibgh – Sports News
The tribute to Indian army was given by four students Kriti Jain , prashast Jain, Siddhrath Dua and Anushka Kalra.
They spoke about all the tasks taken up by the Indian army and how they bravely attend to the duties in spite of the bad weather and rough terrain. Special homage was paid to Captain Anuj Nayar who died for his country in Kargil War . Avery special  presentation was about Captain Divya Ajith Kumar who gave the gave guard of  honor to President Barack Obama  and led the women army contingent at this year’s republic day parade.
The assembly came to an end by distribution of certificates to teachers who participated in the” Microsoft create to inspire” project and the blessings of our Principal Sir.

Class Teacher:
Ms.Namita Bhagat

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