Saturday, July 25, 2015

Mayur Vihar Phase – I, Delhi – 91
Assembly Report

   Date & Day: 3rd July 2015, Friday
   Venue:         Auditorium
   Theme:        Summer Vacations
   Class:           VIII C


“Neglecting Summer vacation is neglecting success, as every success needs a great amount of accumulated energy

With this thought in mind, the students of 8th C shared their learning experiences of their fun filled 45 days of the summer vacation. The assembly served a platform for a backlash where students exhibited their hard work and shared what they learnt out of the purposeful homework assigned to them.
The project assigned in different subjects for the keynote ‘Life lived for others is a life worthwhile’ as an Interdisciplinary activity touched the hearts of the students as they visited orphanage and old age home and helped the needy ones. This not only polished their skills in the subjects but also sensitized them and motivated them to be better humans and help others.
Students also shared their experiences of their fun filled excursions with their family and how they relished the beautiful time.
Since they were at leisure they could take out some time to pursue and foster their areas of interest i.e. their hobbies and they shared how they polished their passion and carved it into a beautiful creation. 
At the end respected Principal Sir, Vice Principal ma’am and incharge Middle section welcomed the students and wished them luck for a fresh start.

Class Teacher:
Ms.  Kokila Gulati

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